In an age where our lives are saturated with internet use, it’s no surprise that social media marketing is crucial for business. There are a lot of eyes and ears to be reached with regards to promotion of products and services with billions of people using social media worldwide. Below are the top three uses of social media marketing for you to factor into your social strategy. Make sure to bear these in mind, as in the field of marketing, strategy is key.

As a social media agency and a growth marketing agency, we get the most out of social media marketing, and we’ve got your back. After all, you should tweet others as you wish to be tweeted.

1. Create an image and raise awareness

Social media is highly visually-based, so the opportunity to create a strong brand aesthetic should be seized gladly. People remember 80% of what they see, compared with only 20% of what they read. You should take advantage of social media platforms like Instagram, which are largely image-based. Creating a consistent aesthetic on your feed is a great way to attract customers. Remember, producing quality content makes your brand look reputable as well as turning your products into eye candy for social users.

Other platforms such as Facebook and Twitter also use image content, but their text-based usage can also push your brand ethos. Constructing a tone of voice for your brand in your posts will do wonders – you won’t seem like a faceless corporation. Text posts and image captions are also a great way to include keywords, especially hashtags. These will draw people towards your pages when they’re browsing online, and the more web-traffic the better!

Just take a look at our Instagram feed as an example!

2. Interact directly with your target market

Social media marketing allows you to communicate with a huge range of people, and these people become a resource for your brand. Customers will want to share their experiences with your brand on social media, so remember to interact with them! According to Forbes, 71% of people are more likely to purchase online if the product of service has been recommended  by others. So, pay attention to the comments. You want to draw attention to positive feedback by liking and replying, while resolving any complaints with friendly efficiency.

As well as this, you should take advantage of user-generated content to create a compelling social strategy. By starting hashtags and encouraging users to post stories related to your brand, you will create an online community. Within the community, consumers will be happy if their content gets noticed by the company and reposted or shared. This means you’re interacting with them on a personal level and you’re reaching a bigger audience. Plus, you don’t have to spend as much time or money when you don’t have to take your own photos. It’s a win-win!

3. Keep a beady eye on your competitors

Due to the nature of social media being a free-to-use platform, everyone and their grandmother is on there. This means that most, if not all of your competitors will also have social strategies. Don’t be discouraged by this though, as you can seize this opportunity to turn stalking into work! Monitoring your competitors’ feeds will help you curate your own content and quickly adjust to any trends and fluctuations in your field.

Social media services will provide statistics on your outreach, so remember to monitor this. Your competitors will be doing the same, so always aim to be one step ahead of the game.

As you can see, there are many uses of social media marketing. We hope this has clued you up on social – you are now ready to take on the world wide web! If you have any other questions then please don’t hesitate to contact us at Monumental Marketing!


  • Alicia, the digital marketing dynamo herself, is our digital marketing Manager at Monumental. We are yet to find something our Indonesian-Belgian princess can't do. Prior to discovering Monumental, Alicia finished an honours degree in Sociology at the University of Kent and began building her marketing network in the Middle East. Having graced us with her stunning social channel aesthetics and unrivalled powers of Influencer marketing and SEO for several years now, it's no wonder she's giving us that side-eye.