he ever-changing world of social media, every business owner needs to keep up with the social media marketing trends. Trends that might up your social media game considerably. Many business owners make the common mistake of coming up with a social media marketing strategy that is fixed, but it is always so important to be reviewing the strategy so effective results can be gained. If you want to make a big (And Monumental) impact with your brand through social media, you came to the right place. Below are three major social media trends you must implement in your strategy. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a social media agency in London… give us a call!

1. The Rise of Micro Influencers

So, influencer marketing is definitely something business owners should have in their marketing arsenal. Both big brands brands and smaller brands alike are looking at this social media marketing trend as a more established part of their marketing mix. From the affinity of detox teas, hair vitamins and waist trainers, big influencers are becoming more and more expensive. For example, Kylie Jenner earns up to $1 million per sponsored post on Instagram… Crazy, right? So obviously smaller brands can’t afford to dish out $1 million every month for a sponsored post.

This is where micro-influencers come into play. They can make up for the gap for business owners who are interested in influencer marketing and having the right budget to make it work. These micro-influencers may not have the highest reach compared to celebrities of the Kim Kardashian or Selena Gomez caliber, but what they do have is a bigger influence on their own followers. Brands don’t need influencers with millions of followers to endorse their products. An influencer with 30K followers will do. This is provided that the brands are working with the right influencer for their target audience.

2. Stories. Stories. Stories.

No, we’re not talking about Snapchat stories. We’re talking Instagram stories. Instagram stories are often overlooked in the social media marketing world. But, it’s crucial that you take advantage of this amazing feature on Instagram. We all know that Snapchat was the OG at stories, but times have changed. 500 million users using Instagram stories everyday and one third of the most viewed Instagram Stories coming from businesses. Integrating this into your social media marketing strategy is a good idea as stories are fun and engaging to create. Advertisers have already realised the amazing effects Instagram stories ads have on businesses.

So, Instagram stories get a big YES from the Monumentals.

3. Video Content

It’s only a matter of time before video content takes over the world. And 2019 is the year where brands will experiment with producing and publishing video content on all social platforms. Content consumption goes beyond just written text.

Social media platforms have always wanted to highlight video content, whether it’s through Youtube or IGTV, video content is booming.  Especially since Facebook has recently adjusted their algorithm to ensure that video posts show up more frequently on our feeds. So, short videos are very appealing to mobile users, that can be found on almost all social media platforms as they can more for effective ads. Whilst vertical videos on Instagram Stories are growing in popularity because of the improved viewing experience on mobile devices.


  • Alicia, the digital marketing dynamo herself, is our digital marketing Manager at Monumental. We are yet to find something our Indonesian-Belgian princess can't do. Prior to discovering Monumental, Alicia finished an honours degree in Sociology at the University of Kent and began building her marketing network in the Middle East. Having graced us with her stunning social channel aesthetics and unrivalled powers of Influencer marketing and SEO for several years now, it's no wonder she's giving us that side-eye.