When it comes to internet advertisement know-how, one must begin with PPC ads. PPC ads are an excellent way to grow your business online – if they’re done properly. Don’t worry if you’re completely new to this; in this blog we’ll give you a quick rundown of essential PPC tactics and how to implement them. You’ll be a PPC wiz in no time! 

We at Monumental Marketing are experts in this field as we are the PPC agency in London so don’t be afraid to contact us if you have any further questions.

So, how does it all work?

For starters, it’s worth noting that PPC stands for Pay-per-Click advertising. This means that each time your ad is clicked by an internet user, you pay a small fee to whichever platform you are advertising on. Search engines are the most common of all these platforms and the most prominent of these is, of course, Google. According to Disruptive Advertising, Google currently holds 37.2% of the digital advertising market, ahead of Facebook at 19.6%.

In the case of Google PPC ads, companies’ ads will appear as a sponsored link on a list of results from a Google search that contains keywords related to their company. If the ad is clicked then the company pays Google a fee. The fee will vary depending on how successful and well-targeted a campaign it is. It pays to be at the top of the game!

Keywords are… well, key!

OK, now you know the basics, let’s move on to keywords. These are what determine which search engine results pages your ads are featured on, so they’re pretty crucial. Your keywords must be relevant and closely associated to the products or services that you’re selling. This will give your site a higher click-through rate and therefore your ads will be more profitable.

It is also important to make sure that your keyword list does not only include search terms that are highly popular and frequently searched. Your keywords must also be specific and cater to the long-tail of search. These long-tail keywords are individually less common but together make up the majority of search traffic. They are also cheaper because they are more niche.

It is also important to have a negative keyword list. This is a list of keywords whose searches you specifically do not want your ads to appear in. Such a list will help to narrow your targeted field and increase efficiency. Remember, both of your keywords lists should be ever changing and expanding. 

The key to a great PPC campaign is to be attentive and update your keywords regularly. The internet is always changing and adapting – your business acumen must be also!

Be a PPC perfectionist

Managing your campaigns attentively is the most effective way to get the best out of your PPC ads. Needless to say, there are thousands of companies competing to have their ads featured alongside search results. So, search engines like Google determine which ads get featured by giving each one an Ad Rank. These ranks are calculated using the maximum amount a company has bid on a keyword, and the website’s quality score.

Such quality scores are measures of how relevant an ad is to internet users. They’re based on the quality of a site’s landing page and the overall efficiency of your campaign. So it pays to be really on it when it comes to PPC ads! The more effort a company puts in to the campaign, the higher the likelihood of better results.

We hope this blog has been of some help to you. Don’t freak out – PPC ads can seem complicated at first, but they’re really not. All it requires is some perseverance. You got this!


  • Alicia, the digital marketing dynamo herself, is our digital marketing Manager at Monumental. We are yet to find something our Indonesian-Belgian princess can't do. Prior to discovering Monumental, Alicia finished an honours degree in Sociology at the University of Kent and began building her marketing network in the Middle East. Having graced us with her stunning social channel aesthetics and unrivalled powers of Influencer marketing and SEO for several years now, it's no wonder she's giving us that side-eye.