1. Keyword Strategy

Having a successful keyword strategy is everything. You will want to focus on keywords that really matter instead of accumulating hundreds of different variations on your main keywords. Let your target audience guide your keyword selection so that you get insightful information into what your audience really want to know and how they might search for these things.

It is also important to have negative keywords; to filter out any unwanted, irrelevant traffic to your site. This is where you tell Google what searches you do not want your ads to display for. Just make sure to adjust accordingly as keywords need to be highly relevant to your business.

Keep things focused. Keep in mind that it is better to define your keywords too narrowly rather than too broadly. You can always broaden them if you start out too narrow but if you initially begin too broad, you risk bleeding money with very little return before you even start your campaign.

2. Conversion Tracking

Conversions are a necessary part of PPC. Conversion tracking may get a little technical and complicated, but it is useful to measure the actions on your websites after the customer clicks on the ad. You need to measure the success of your paid search methods to know if they are working. Otherwise what’s the point?

It is also very important to know the cost per conversion (CPC). Staying on top of your numbers keeps you aware of the costs. If a conversion is costing you £15, is that OK? Can you afford it? If you have a breakeven of £15 but you are spending £25, you may need to rethink what you are doing with your campaigns.

3. Landing Pages & Keywords

To have a successful PPC account, keywords and landing pages need to work together in harmony. For instance, if you are advertising for a luxury car dealership, your keywords need to be relevant to luxury cars. Similarly, your landing pages need to focus on luxury cars, and only luxury cars. Furthermore, design and imagery on landing pages need to support, not undermine the purpose of your landing page. The information needs to be very relevant and concise so users are not overloaded with unnecessary information. Moreover, if they are the right audience, there is a higher likelihood that users will fill out a call-to-action form, make a purchase or call you up.

This may seem like a no-brainer, however, it is always a good idea to remind yourself that every key word that is being used and the landing page needs to be relevant and work together cohesively, in order to see any positive results.

Need some more PPC tips and tricks? Check out our top 5 most creative ppc campaigns blog for more insight.


  • Alicia, the digital marketing dynamo herself, is our digital marketing Manager at Monumental. We are yet to find something our Indonesian-Belgian princess can't do. Prior to discovering Monumental, Alicia finished an honours degree in Sociology at the University of Kent and began building her marketing network in the Middle East. Having graced us with her stunning social channel aesthetics and unrivalled powers of Influencer marketing and SEO for several years now, it's no wonder she's giving us that side-eye.